New Stormwalker book on pre-order

I am pleased to announce that a brand-new, never-before published Stormwalker book is available for pre-order!

Wing Dancer (Stormwalker Book 7) 


BN (print and e):




It will be in paperback on the day of release at Amzn, or you can pre-order the paperback from Barnes & Noble. It will also be in audio!

I will have an excerpt up as soon as I’ve gone through a round of revisions.

I am so happy to have finished this book! It was fun to revisit Janet’s world and catch up with all the characters. Though it has been a while since I’ve been able to publish in this series (was waiting for rights reversion for some of them), the story time will have advanced only a few months. These books can be set anywhen. 

I hope you enjoy Janet’s latest adventure! 

2 thoughts on “New Stormwalker book on pre-order

  1. I’m so glad you’ve returned to the Stormwalker series. I really like Janet and the others who inhabit her world.


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